Practice tomorrow

some pictures of me and my cute dogs from the day.

I know, it has been really bad update .. I got sick, then there was a lot at school, tests, etc., so sorry for that. But now I'm here again!

Tomorrow begins my practice at Foot Locker. I'm going to practice there with the best Julia, so it will probably be fun. We will of course entertain each other anyway. But because it is in the middle of Skärholmen center so learn it's become some shopping too, so it will be good! I will practice for two weeks and right after I have sports holiday. Really nice!

But we heard in the morning, love!


Hi everyone!

I'm going to sleep soon, school tomorrow.. I'm so excited, or NOT! But whatever, it's just being weeks late, I practice for two weeks, I will work at Foot Locker with the best Julia. And right after that, it's sport holliday! Thus no need school for three weeks, so nice! But now I'm quickly out with the dogs and after sleep, as I ought to do, haha. But we heard in the morning, goodnight!

A new start!

Hey Everyone!

Now I'll
start over, a new start with the blog. I'm really excited and think it will be really good. As you may notice, I will be blogging in English. I think it's much more fun and also easier to express themselves. I originally planned to take away all my old posts, but let them be left in place, it's still ten months of my life. It's always fun to look back and see, see how it was then so on. But I will fix a new header, will try to find time for it tomorrow. And also change my presentation in the menu, which now stands in Swedish, haha. But I think it will be really good, I'm really excited! So here we go!

/ Julia

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